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Adelanta tu networking para South Summit 2024 revisando nuestro marketplace, donde encontrarás los perfiles de todas las Startups, Colaboradores, Aceleradoras e Instituciones que participarán en el evento.

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  • Easyway
TipoStartup País Israel Startup interesada en Clientes, Alianzas Estratégicas, Visibilidad
  • EasyWay
  • Turismo
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  • Fundada en 2017
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  • 2-5 empleados

We aim to change the way people and businesses talk with each other and are first targeting the industry that needs that change the most - the hospitality industry. Texting is the most common form of communication: 145B texts per day by +5 B people Businesses WW get it (39% adoption rate), but hotels are lagging - only 16% adoption rate Thus, we've created a guest engagement platform that enables guests to communicate with the hotel, in their native language, via their favorite messaging apps (WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Telegram, etc.). Easyway's algorithm analyzes the messages and responds automatically, or forwards the requests to reception, to be manually answered in real-time. The reception has a centralized dashboard which organizes the requests and allows the hotel to communicate quickly and easily with its guests.

Si tienes una propuesta sobre algunas de las siguientes áreas, estaremos encantados de analizarlas:

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